Phoenix in Flames.
Finals time. One more semester and I'm out of shit to do. Yeah yeah yeah, join the club: I know most of my friends are gone & done with school and have been for a long time, but it'll be the first time for me. I don't really know what I'm doing after the schoolins. If my dad was a mob boss, I'd teach at Reed College, but my dad's not anything, so I'll be that, too.
I applied for the Wallace Stegner Fellowship last week. I forgot about the deadline until 4pm the day it was due. So I jammed out my statement of purpose and poems and application-thing all in 20 minutes. We'll see how it goes; tell you in March or something.
Today at my job slinging lattes in the heart of the Furnix, at Royal Coffee Bar, I was wanking around and made a free pour Phoenix in Flames, a la Converge, or a la The Phoenician, depending on your taste. Or a Novel by Andy Bryan, again, depending on your taste. I know it's lame to post coffee porn on a blog, but a blog's lame anyway, so I'm not too worried about it.
Lately I've been reading the Blue & Brown books, Letters of Vincent vanGogogo, and have two novellas by Italo Calvino waiting for me at the end of this week. I've really wanted to read a great, longer novel over break. I might read Denis Johnson's new one--it just won the National Book Award. The break's only a month, otherwise I'd read Mason&Dixon--but that might be my almost entire summer reading list. Anyone reading anything interesting in long fiction land?
I love you all, my darlings. All of you I love you.
l-o-ng fic-tion?
i wish i could stop by and you make me a cup of coffee. and we could talk about tattoos. i really wish for that.
Man, best long fiction -- East of Eden. Steinbeck. I know it might be a little to rural for you but it has the best character development I have ever read. And the shit is GIANT. Other than that, I would always recommend Kerouac's Desolation Angels if you feel like a good "slit-your-own-wrists-writing-with-little-punctuation."
Read both those; I really love East of Eaden--it's one of my favorite novels, maybe.
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