Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Steinway and Hemingbeck

I've been, for the past week, taking a picture of my face every day. I want to keep this up for a month at least, and see if I can learn anything about myself by looking into my spirit or whatever. I've always wanted to take a close-up polaroid of all of my close friends where they just look in to the camera and expose themselves. I think it's kind scary and sexy--that might be pretty lame or sick-sounding.

Right now I'm reading a book called Animals in Translation, about this retarded chick that can talk to dogs. The book as a concept is pretty crazy interesting, but the chick writes like she couldn't care less. I don't think you have to be "a writer" to write well--it's probably just the opposite most of the time. If you have personality, you're probably worth reading; but if all you do is talk with dogs it's probably a let down to have to spell it all out for us humans.


Blogger la gloria, la gloria, la gloria said...

Pitchn' Bicture. Talking your own philosophy is a brave thing-exposing yourself like that tickles all the critics.
It was good to see Lindsay and O; she is a killer.

7:41 PM  

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