Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tho my knees become weak I cause my foot another step to carry the task

(strains my hands. But they are kept. Remembrance breaks me down.)

^this is one of the "Onnavahs" she's been tattooing on me lately.

I had other images, but Booger didn't want to upload them. Adam Groves: I fucking miss you buddy. I love you!


Blogger Adrian Martinez said...

(Regarding last post as well).

Thats all good news Joe.

I miss those times too, and i think i took them for granted, not realizing that you all would grow up much quicker than me and move much further away.

your new job sounds very official. hopefully it gives you time to do what you enjoy.

i just got a new job too. like two days ago. im going to be a teacher.

i really hope Sarah and I can make it out there soon. I would love that. if you came out here we have an extra bedroom that you are more than welcome to stay in. anytime.

love you Joe. talk to you soon.
i got a new phone number 951-858-4912.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

nudies, which ones are those? I have the slim jim and I am kind of over them, your look different in the picture. I dig em. Do a whole new post on your jeans. haha.


7:55 AM  
Blogger Joseph Mains said...

I got the slim jims and the straight sven. I'll have to make my post on them--I remember you rocking them before anyone else I knew when I visited you in ny!

3:53 PM  

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